Internationale News

Neuigkeiten und Diskussionen zum Thema Menschenrechte.

Human Rigths and stability

Immer wieder hört man von autoritären Regierungen von der Wichtigkeit von Stabilität als Rechtfertigung für Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Die Geschichte lehrt das Gegenteil: Gerade Regime, die Menschenrechte massiv verletzen, werden regelmäßig gestürzt, instabile Verhältnisse sind oft die Folge. Interessant sind in diesem Zusammenhang auch die jüngsten Vorgänge in der Türkei: Eine Regierung, die zumindest nach außen den Anschein erweckte, alles im fest im Griff zu haben, greift massiv in die Versammlungsfreiheit ein und löst – statt Stabilität zu sichern – eine landesweite Protestwelle aus. Fazit: Eine Regierung, die die Menschenrechte achtet, tut dies nicht bloß der politischen Opposition zu Liebe, sondern auch zur Sicherung der Stabilität und ihres eigenen politischen Überlebens.


Again and again authoritarian governments justify human rights violations by stressing the importance of stability. History teaches the opposite: Especially regimes that violate human rights massively get toppled regularly, unstable conditions are often the result. Interesting in this context, the recent events in Turkey: A government that at least appeared to the outside world  to have everything under control restricts the freedom of association massively and causes – instead of  protecting stability – a nationwide wave of protest. Conclusion: A government that respects human rights, does this not merely of political opposition , but also to protect stability and their own political survival.

Christmas in a Kenyan Orphanage

We are happy to forward good news to you with the following pictures!

Thanks to your donations for the Christmas Celebration of our Kenyan Orphange we were able to save the festival of love.


Two cases of death, one topic: Human Rights!

On 17 and 18 December 2011 two prominent people, whose lives could not have been more different, died.

One stood against the human rights abuses of the Communist regime in his home country, went to jail, got his work banned from performance and publication – and yet that could not break him and he eventually became president of his country.
The other was the leader of such a Communist system at the other end of the world.
The one, Vaclav Havel, writer, former president of Czechoslovakia and later the Czech Republic, showed any human rights advocate how important it is to have the courage to stand up for these fundamental rights and not to get intimidated. He showed that you can enforce human rights in the face of even a seemingly all-powerful state apparatus by peaceful means. He is being mourned out of genuine respect.
The other, Kim Jong-Il, “leader” of North Korea showed us, however, that there is still a long way to go to the realization of human rights as a global reality. He is being mourned due to governmental arrangement. But the end of any era is a new beginning. Let’s hope for the people of North Korea that it is at least a tiny step towards human rights.

YHRI Summit 2011


20 June 2011

Child abuse can be found in countries around the world. According to UNICEF, 40 million children below the age of 15 suffer from abuse and neglect. Youth who do not know that they have rights are vulnerable. Education is key.

The purpose of Youth for Human Rights International is to teach youth about human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and inspire them to become advocates for tolerance and peace.

With this aim in mind, Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) has teamed up with organizations including the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology International and Village Suisse ONG for its annual international human rights conference, to be held in Geneva in honor of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014).

The first of our events were held in 2004 at the United Nations Headquarters and UNICEF House in New York and in Los Angeles in 2005. In 2006 the summit was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York Continue reading

International Walk for Human Rights


Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) commemorates United Nations Human Rights Day, December 10, with the third annual “International Walk for Human Rights.” Students of all ages from more than 30 countries on six continents will join in the walk, to raise awareness of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. The events will include petition drives, distribution of human rights education material, and concerts.

The theme of Human Rights Day 2011 is “Social Media and Human Rights,” and the history of the YHRI International Human Rights Walk is testimony to the power of social media in this arena. Continue reading

80-Days-Worldtour for Human Rights awareness finished

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Creating true leaders

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World Tour 2010

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