Program Implementation

Wo immer der Lehrplan von Youth for Human Rights verwendet wird, stößt er auf begeisterte Resonanz und Beteiligung.


Wherever implemented, Youth for Human Rights’ curriculum inspires enthusiastic response and involvement.

At no charge to educators, Youth for Human Rights International provides a complete package of teaching tools—including a teacher’s guide, booklets and videos—that can be used in any classroom globally.

Click here to order.

The following are nine simple steps any educator can take to start implementing a human rights program in a school, club or community group:

  1. Order a YHRI Education Package from Click here to order.
  2. Study the Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) website and watch the 30 public service announcement videosClick here to watch the videos.
  3. Receive your education package and become familiar with it, including the student lesson surveys.
  4. Use the lesson plans in the YHRI Educator’s Guide.
  5. Refer your students to the art/essay/poetry competitionsClick here.
  6. Help them choose, complete and submit the essays/art/poetry.
  7. Discuss what they learned from doing the essays/art/poetry.
  8. Send us the results of your pre- and post-lesson surveys, along with any other anecdotes, photos and videos you wish to share.
  9. The next step is to form a YHRI group at the school.

Click here to start a YHRI group >>