Memberships and Donations
You can immediately start helping the international cause of human rights, by becoming a member of “Jugend für Menschenrechte Österreich” – (Youth for Human Rights International Chapter Austria).
“Jugend für Menschenrechte Österreich” is a nonprofit organization supported by membership donations. Basic Membership A basic membership helps us continue our work to make the Universal Declaration of Human Rights broadly known and followed. Payment: Yearly: 100 € or Monthly: 10 € As a member of “Jugend für Menschenrechte Österreich” you support our activities in Austria and projects outside the country. You also recieve a regulare E-Mail update.
Bank Account for Donations
Jugend für Menschenrechte Österreich
Jugend für Menschenrechte Österreich IBAN AT076000000510015452 BIC OPSKATWW PROJECT KENYA